Fleas are a nuisance. They can make your kitty itchy and uncomfortable; they are responsible
for triggering allergic skin diseases such as flea allergy dermatitis, and they can also transmit
other parasites such as Tapeworm.
Flea bites are thought to be responsible for the spread of another infectious diseases, Feline Infectious Anaemia. But it’s not only your cat that can suffer, humans can also get flea bites which are very itchy indeed. The best way to control fleas is to prevent them in the first place, and we have a guide to help you with just that!
Best flea treatment for young kittens:
This blog is for flea treatments young kittens usually below the weight of 1.2kg up to 2.5kg. If your kitten is over 2.5kg check out our blog on flea and worm treatments for cats here.
And without any further ado:
Kittens over 6 weeks old
1. Revolution
Targets: fleas, ear mites, roundworms
Application frequency: Monthly
Best for: Kittens over 6 weeks old
Price: $42.00 3PK
Revolution is one of the only flea products available for very young kittens as it is safe to use in
kittens over 6 weeks of age. If you have a new kitten this might be the best option for you if
they are not old enough for other products. Revolution has a duration of action of one month
so needs to be applied every month for complete protection. But be sure to regularly weigh
your kitten, because as they grow their weight gain may mean they need to swap to a different
pipette size to offer complete coverage for their size.
Kittens over 8 weeks old
1. Broadline
Targets: fleas, ticks, lice, roundworms, and tapeworm
Application frequency: Monthly
Best for: Kittens over 8 weeks of age, if you want a combination treatment for fleas and worms.
Price: $19.00 1PK
Broadline, as the name suggests, has a broad coverage of not only fleas but ticks, lice,
roundworms and tapeworms.
This is super convenient if you are after a treatment to tick all the
boxes that is simple to administer, and provides monthly protection. This product can be used
in kittens over 8 weeks of age. It flea prevention acts very fast and can kill newly acquired fleas
within 8-24 hours.
2. Advantage
Targets: Fleas
Application frequency: Monthly
Best for: Kittens over 8 weeks of age, if you want a flea only treatment.
Price: $41.95
Advantage is another topical spot-on application that offers protection against fleas. This
product is great if you have already sorted coverage of roundworms and tapeworms for your
kitten, and you are only requiring flea treatment. It has a monthly application interval and
works to kill fleas fast. Used in conjunction with a broad spectrum worming tablet such as drontal, milpro
it will provide full coverage against fleas as well as worms.
3. Nexgard Spectra For Cats <2.5kg
Targets: fleas, ticks, lice, mites, roundworms, and tapeworm
Application frequency: Monthly
Best for: Kittens over 8 weeks of age, if you want a combination treatment for fleas and worms.
Price $55.00 for a 3PK
Nexgard Spectra For Cats is new product which is similar to Broadline as it treats for fleas, ticks , lice as well as round worms, tape worm and lung worm. It's advantage over Broadline is that also treats for mites and they produce it in a 3PK in this size compared to Broadline 1PK. Which can help save your wallet a few dollars over the months.
4. Revolution Plus For Cats < 2.5kg
Targets: fleas, ticks, lice, roundworms, mites, hookworms
Application frequency: Monthly
Best for: Kittens over 8 weeks of age, if you want a combination treatment for fleas and worms.
Price $49.99 for a 3PK
Revolution plus is another product which is a topical spot on solution which treats for fleas, ticks lice roundworms, mites and hookworms. Comes in a handy 3PK is competitively priced against its competition. However as it does not treat for tapeworm it is recommend to combine this product with a worming tablet such as Drontal.
Important note for flea prevention in kitten & cats:
It is very important only ever apply cat/kitten specific flea treatment to your cat, never use products
you have for your dog on your cat. Cat’s & kittens can have serious reactions to flea prevention that is
meant for dogs including seizures, or even death - so never apply dog flea treatment to your